Business Strategy

3 posts

No. 6 - Brand identities, mural hacking, Reddit, and alignment

No. 6 - Brand identities, mural hacking, Reddit, and alignment

Explore a few high-profile rebrands and ad campaigns as well as important advice from a designer passionate about intentional living.

Should I create a course? And how?

Should I create a course? And how?

Get insight into building your own course and find out how you might impact other segments of your audience and increase your revenue without taking on more clients.

How to Actually Make $10k in a Month (cash in hand)

How to Actually Make $10k in a Month (cash in hand)

Let’s talk about how to actually go about having a $10k month in your business, and what I think is the easiest way to get there – what I call the Sustainable Sweet Spot.

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